What help do you need to move forward with your own online course? Tell me what where you’re at with your online course and what free help you need to move forward. Moving your own online course forward Where are you right now with making your own online class? More details about where you're at with your own online class. (Check all that apply.) It's a goal or dream but I haven't started yet I have my course idea I need to refine my course idea I'm steadily working on the content I can't seem to get going with creating content I have an email service and I'm building my mailing list I need to develop a plan and free resources for building my list I know which formats I'm creating content in (i.e., video, pdf, audio, interactive, live meeting, other) and I've got the tools I'm not sure how to turn my ideas into actual lessons I've started building my online classroom I need to choose an online platform I'm not sure how to make an online classroom I've started writing my course sales page I need a structure for my sales page I have a launch plan I don't know what goes into a launch plan OtherOther If you're not moving forward yet, what is keeping you from that movement? It might be time, the need of a step-by-step plan, overwhelm, lack of knowledge, fear, worry, something else. Tell me about it. What topics would you love to get free lessons on? (Check all that apply.) Finding/refining idea Designing my course Position and Pricing List Building Content Creation Classroom Setup Sales Page Launch Course Delivery OtherOther Anything else about the topics you'd like free lessons on? What's your favorite format for learning from free materials? live masterclass live office hours recording of masterclass short video lessons written lessons audio worksheet, checksheet, quickguide other Anything else you'd like to share?